


免疫肿瘤学全球特许经营主管 & 胃肠道癌症,澳门葡京网赌游戏

凯蒂·米勒是免疫肿瘤学全球特许经营主管 & 胃肠道癌症,澳门葡京网赌游戏 and has been with our company for over 11 years. Inspired by the trailblazing women in her life and her desire to improve outcomes for everyone touched by cancer, 凯蒂分享了澳门葡京网赌游戏肿瘤学吸引她的原因, 以及她的团队如何帮助塑造癌症治疗的未来. 


我深受家里女性的影响. 我来自一个母系家庭, 坚强的女性, 从我的曾祖母那里, 我的祖母和众多堂兄弟的母亲, 带路. 我尊敬的人之一是我的姨妈和教母. 她有一种与人交流的方式, 无论你是成年人还是孩子, she made you feel smart and important — like you were the centre of the universe — and I try to carry that style of communication with me, 都在工作, 在家和我的三个孩子在一起.

我的教母也是一位治疗乳腺癌13年的老兵, 看着她经历这一切, 在高潮和低谷中航行, 真是大开眼界. She participated in a clinical trial for what is now a frontline therapy for HER2+ breast cancer, 所以即使在接受治疗的过程中, 她正在创造历史, 为其他乳腺癌患者开辟了新的道路. I wanted to be just like her and find a career where I could have an impact on others’ lives.

How did that experience carry through to the work you are doing for cancer patients today?

My personal experiences – witnessing the impact cancer had not only on my 教母, but also my mother who is a two-time cancer survivor and others in my family – have deeply influenced my commitment to advancing oncology research. Seeing them navigate the challenges of diagnosis and treatment has reinforced my dedication to improving outcomes for all cancer patients. While I may not be directly administering treatment in the clinic, my work at AstraZeneca allows me to contribute to the development of new therapies and treatment strategies that have the potential to positively impact patient’s lives.

It is truly amazing to see how far we have come during my time at AstraZeneca. Immuno-oncology (IO) has transformed the treatment landscape across many cancer settings, and we are at a crucial inflection point in understanding just how broad and numerous the applications of this treatment modality are. 当澳门葡京赌博游戏展望未来, we are exploring our IO assets in combinations with a wide range of therapeutic options, including with other IO medicines as well as with antibody drug conjugates that deliver chemotherapeutics directly to tumour cells. We’ve also just barely begun to scratch the surface of taking IOs even further, 例如, using bispecific antibodies to simultaneously target multiple antigens on the same cell with a single medicine. 对于肿瘤学来说,这是一个激动人心的时刻!

What is a trailblazer to you, and how do you see that embodied in your daily work in immuno-oncology?

当我想到开拓者的定义时, I imagine a person who is courageous in breaking new ground and answering some of life’s toughest questions. 当我想到我母亲的例子, 教母, 还有我家族里其他坚强的女人, I am also reminded that blazing new trails is about more than just navigating into uncharted territory. It is also about bringing people with you — building a path for others to follow – and ensuring future generations have a smoother journey. 作为一个母亲, 我经常想到澳门葡京赌博游戏有责任把爱传递出去, 就像澳门葡京赌博游戏的前辈为澳门葡京赌博游戏的成功铺平了道路一样.

澳门葡京网赌游戏, we are pushing the limits of what already might be understood and mapping out new trajectories toward earlier intervention. 澳门葡京赌博游戏用自己的方式探索, unpacking the complexities of the human immune system and harnessing its ability to fight disease. 澳门葡京赌博游戏不怕提出尖锐的问题. We work to tackle the cancers that are the toughest and most complex to treat to bring viable treatment options patients with the highest unmet need. We also recognise the importance of moving cancer treatment earlier in the course of the disease to improve outcomes for patients, 因此, 是否将其作为澳门葡京赌博游戏IO战略的基石. 通过专门的研究, 通过灵活和不断学习, 澳门葡京赌博游戏给病人带来了希望.

We are laying the foundations for the roads that others will follow in the future.

What inspires you to continue innovating for oncology patients?

What gets me up every morning is the idea that some new revelation will surprise us. 每一次突破都会带来更多的知识, but we also recognise that even setbacks have their place in advancing our understanding and development of future treatments. It is always wonderful when things go our way, but we learn so much even when it does not. We have to remember that even though progress is not always a straight line, 它仍然是进步——只要你继续前进.

凯蒂的故事是澳门葡京赌博游戏正在进行的系列节目的一部分: 肿瘤学的开拓者, which spotlights colleagues on the AstraZeneca 肿瘤学 team who are making an impact, 无论是个人还是职业.